Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Lady Chairs then and Now

*** The first part of the post was written in a facebook* note on september 30, 2009. I was a freshman in Gardner hall at the time***

Now youre probably wondering what the heck a Lady Chair is. Well let me tell you. I am a resdient of Garnder Hall-- 2nd Center East, convientiently located right near the stairwell which has these three chairs sitting there. They have pictures of Ladies on them. Not even lying- when i get a picture ill post it for your viewing pleasure. Well or numerous reasons i end up sitting there in the hallway whether its to give said roomate quite time or to have 'Moments with Megan' (she calls it bonding with Becca :) ) or whatever. you cand pretty much ensure from the hours of 10 PM until its time to go to bed that iwill be on MY lady chair. Yes it is Mine. My chair faces the staircase and as people climb their mountain to story numbero three i say hello and to all the passerbys. One night a girl was going up the stairs, she climbed about three steps came back down and said "Youre ALWAYS sitting there!!" then walked back up. Now, i love my lady chair because total randoms will stop by and just chat it up with me, tell me their life stories, struggle, boy problems. good moments and bad moments-- you name it i have heard it!! I feel like that man on the kleenex commercials sometimes.

Well the other two nights i havent really been sitting there for whatever reason. But i returned and when these girls were going up to their room they said "Hey good to see you where the heck have you been?! we've missed seein you on your chair your hilarious!" and another girl about an hour later "i was about to send out a search warrent good to see you Bow-Headed Becca!!".

Sit there and they will come. You can find me on the Lady Chairs.


Well, not much has changed. Who knew that two YEARS later these chairs would still be such an important thing in my life. I became the RA right next to these chairs my sophomore year. So. many. memories. Many of which I hope to recap and have written down. I spent countless hours there that year. So many memories- the girls came to love these chairs as well. Dance parties, hangouts, homework sessions, tears, talks, and so much more. They created an unbeleiveable community in our hall (more like our whole side of the dorm- even floor).

My sophomore year drew to an end and I re-applied for the position of RA. I was re-hired but this time i was to be in McDonald Hall- still freshman girls, but not in Gardner. The chairs??

They are in McDonald, right outside my room in the common space.

This is where the story of the Lady Chairs continue. They still live in their legacy. I have had many memories here with my new hall already. And it never ceases to amaze me how these hideous (truly hideous) chairs bring so much joy. I dont know a single person who has truly experienced the chairs that hasnt been touched by them or has a story about them.

So come on in, take a seat, the Lady Chairs await.

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